How to Grow the Booty 

by Chloe Waring in Training

How to Grow the Booty

How to Grow the Booty
Growing the glutes is a hard process, it takes a lot of hard work and time but many of us simply don’t know what to do. Don’t get me wrong, genetics play a big role here, but that doesn’t mean you can’t work to build a round, strong booty with the correct steps. Here’s my top 5 tips to help with booty gains:
This is a really important factor in how hard your glutes are going to work. If your glutes aren’t fired up before starting a workout then they won’t work to their full potential during your session. Start including glute activation exercises as part of your warm-up to fire up your rear muscles, some of my favourite activation exercises are banded abductor lateral walks, banded monster walks, banded squats, and banded glute bridges. All exercises should be either body weight or very light weight since the only goal is to wake up the correct muscles and get the blood flowing to the glutes.
Over time, you will get stronger. As you get stronger it’s important to gradually increase the weight you are working with or you will find yourself in a peach plateau. You should be lifting heavy enough that it feels challenging but not heavy enough to cause injury.
We are told to squat, squat and squat some more for the booty, which is where you may be going wrong. Squats are an amazing exercise, however, they aren’t the *best* exercise to improve the posterior chain (muscles on the back of your body) as in general a squat is more of a full body movement. It’s super important to add glute specific exercises into your workouts, my favourite ones are hip thrusts, weighted glute kickbacks and bridges, and banded hip abductions or clams
Yes you heard that right – eating more can be scary for many of us, however it’s necessary to build muscle mass. Adding an extra 100 to 300 calories may be what is needed to build them strong, muscular glutes but avoiding putting on an excess of fat. Try to concentrate on eating healthy carbs before and after training and make sure to eat enough of protein (particularly post-workout).
Focus more on doing cardio that activates your glutes. The best options in a gym is using a Stairmaster or walking on a treadmill on an incline. You can also do some walking lunges back and forth or step-ups on a box/bench. The aim for this is to get the heart rate up whilst also firing up the glutes!