Meditation – A tool to change your life

by Michael Davis in Education

What is meditation?

Meditation is a mind technique during which an individual focuses all of their attention on one thing. This can be a thought, an activity, a feeling, or an object. The goal of meditation is to become more in control of your mind. The regular practice of meditation can improve your mental health, focus, mental clarity and promote happiness. Even just a few minutes a day can make a tremendous difference to your wellbeing.

How does mindful meditation work?

Mindful meditation works by teaching us to take charge of our minds. It teaches us to focus, be patient, and put aside our everyday worries. When we choose to meditate, we focus on something specific. For example, the breath. By paying attention to the sensation of breathing, or any other point of focus, you will notice that you mind will start to wander. This is perfectly normal, and you shouldn’t be frustrated. When you realise your mind has started to wander you bring your attention back to your breath. If you notice your focus shifting again from your breath, you bring it back, over and over again.

As you repeat this process of refocus, it will be harder for your mind to become distracted. You will begin to feel at peace and develop a sense on inner calm. Meditation becomes more effective as you use it. As with any skill, it takes practice. You may not notice anything at the start, stay consistent and you will notice results.

It really is that simple! Most people who have never meditated before picture a Buddhist monk sitting in a lotus pose humming for hours a day. But in reality, anyone can meditate.

How to meditate: A Simple guide

The process I described above is a type of mindful meditation that I recommend to anyone. Let’s take a closer look at mindful meditation:

  • Find a quiet place free of distractions. I recommend you set a timer for between 5 to 10 minutes.
  • You can lie down, sit on the floor, or sit on a chair. If you are sitting, try and make sure your back is straight.
  • Start by taking 5 deep breaths in through the nose, and out through the mouth.
  • On your last exhale, close your eyes and return to a normal breathing rhythm.
  • Notice the sensation in your body when you breath. Feel the air passing through your nose. Focus on this sensation.
  • When your mind wanders, simply notice, and return to the breath.
  • Repeat the process of returning to your breath when your mind becomes distracted until your timer finishes.

Other forms of meditation

Meditation can come in many forms. Some are more complex than others. Here are some examples you can try:

  • Guided meditation
  • Walking meditation
  • Scan meditation

Meditation can be as simple as sitting down with a hot drink and being present, focusing on the moment. As I said before, it doesn’t have to be complicated.

An example of mindful meditation: Box Breathing

Also referred to as 4×4 breathing, box breathing is an amazing technique you can use anywhere during times of stress, anxiousness and overwhelm. This technique can help lower stress, by activating the parasympathetic nervous system, and calm the mind by focusing on counting your breaths. Box breathing is a form of meditation.

Here is a quick guide to box breathing:

  • Start by slowly breathing out, releasing all the air in your lungs
  • Breathe in through your nose for a count of 4. Focus on the sensation of the air filling your lungs and passing through your nose.
  • Hold your breath for a count of four
  • Exhale for a count of 4
  • Hold your breath for a count of 4
  • Repeat until you feel calm and relaxed 

My Personal experience with meditation

Over the past years I have used meditation on and off. For me, meditation has helped me reduce incessant thoughts. I rarely do more than 10 minutes a day, and it definitely has helped me become more aware of my thoughts, and I am more able to manage them. I aim to practice daily mindful meditation. I personally use an app called Headspace for guided meditation. I find the guidance from another personal really calming and helpful.

What the Griffin Fit Team says


Lizzie uses the headspace app. She struggled to sleep at night and needed something to help her wind down, relax and reduce stress. On headspace, and many other meditation apps, you can find sleep casts designed to help you destress at the end of the day. Lizzie uses these sleep casts as well as a Shakti mat on a daily basis which help her sleep better.

Michelle has found that box breathing has helped tremendously manage her anxiety after suffering from postnatal depression. Michelle highly recommends guided meditation using the Headspace app.

Alicja was first introduced to meditation when she started yoga. The use of various breathing techniques and affirmations helped her let go of unnecessary daily stress as she often found herself holding onto a lot of things in life that didn’t matter. She has found the app Simple habit useful. It’s a free alternative to headspace. It has a timer with various settings you can personalise. When she finds herself under a lot of stress,  Alicja uses guided meditation when her mind is really busy at night.


Thank you so much reading and I hope you found this information useful 🙂